In 1958, the Hoblitzelle Foundationpurchased the papers from Kendall and placed them on permanentloan to the University of Texas Hoblitzelle Theatre Arts Library. Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926Performing Arts Collection PA-00043Administrative InformationProvenanceAttorney, businessman, and theatre owner Messmore Kendallpurchased Houdini's personal papers and dramatic library from hiswidow, Bess, in June 1927. For more information please see the Ransom Center'sOpen Access and Use Policies. Researchers are advised that thedisclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable livingindividuals represented in the collections without the consent of thoseindividuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of actionunder common law for invasion of privacy may arise if factsconcerning an individual's private life are published that would bedeemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which theRansom Center and The University of Texas at Austin assume noresponsibility.Restrictions onUse:Authorization for publication is given on behalf of the University ofTexas as the owner of the collection and is not intended to include orimply permission of the copyright holder which must be obtained bythe researcher. Researchers must register andagree to copyright and privacy laws before using archival materials.Use Policies:Ransom Center collections may contain material with sensitive orconfidential information that is protected under federal or state rightto privacy laws and regulations. To make anappointment, please email Reference.
Special permission from the Curator ofPerforming Arts, plus advance notice, is required to access artifacts,art, glass lantern slides, and any restricted material. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given in class, some may be unannounced, and some may be given over Quia.Harry Houdini:An Inventory of His Papers at the Harry Ransom CenterDescriptive Summar圜reator:Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926Title:Harry Houdini PapersDates:circa 1641-1943, undatedExtent:76 document boxes (31.92 linear feet), 26 oversize boxes (osb), 12oversize folders (osf), 10 bound volumes (bv), 3 note boxesAbstract:The papers of magician, escape artist, business man, aviator, author,and actor popularly known as Harry Houdini consist ofcorrespondence, photographs, scrapbooks, posters, businessdocuments, and material related to magic, performance, theatre, andother topics.Call Number:Performing Arts Collection PA-00043Language:Predominately English some printed material, letters, and documentsin French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, SpanishAccess:Open for research. If students work in groups, presentations should not exceed total time for the number of students in the group, for example if there are three students in the group, their time should not exceed 9 minutes. Students will be given 2-3 minutes to present their project to the class the final week. Students are encouraged to work in groups, make predictions regarding the reading, personalize both the vocabulary and themes to their lives, interests and talents. The goal of the project will be for students to incorporate the vocabulary and themes introduced in the course. Rubrics are available on this website ( ).

įinal Project: Students will be preparing a final book project that will be worth 300 points.

Students will also have some reading from. There will also be one assignment per week that helps students prepare for the final project these will be indicated in the syllabus with double asterisks (**). ~If students have another idea, please e-mail me and it may be possible!~

Homework: Students are expected to be prepared for the lesson full-points (20) will be given for all completed work turned in on-time or as students return from an absence. Description: Students will practice present tense verbs, and have some introduction to past-tense and future tense.